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Sign up to run the Chevron Houston Marathon with re:MIND as your charity. 

iStock_000011305517Small.jpgI then found my first group, and although I could not explain it, I was really into it.  Sitting in a group with all these different people from diverse backgrounds, I realized I was feeling better, but I still did not have any answers.  After struggling for another six months, I finally accepted that something was wrong with me and I had to take it seriously.   So I started taking advantage of re:MIND and taking my medication.  I realized the more I put into my re:MIND support group, the more I got out of it.  I have now been a volunteer facilitator for the Clear Lake Young Adult group for over a year. 

The feeling is indescribable, I come away from the group hearing other people who are now where I was a few years ago and I have the opportunity to help them.   Am I perfect? Am I fixed? By no means!  But I feel like I have been provided constructive tools to get through my day.  My reactions to bad days are different and I leave yesterday behind regardless of whether it was good or bad. 

I am really excited for re:MIND’s growth, and I wish it was in all schools.  I can’t help but think what if there had been a re:MIND support group for me to go when this started?  Maybe I would not have burned so many bridges?  I am very grateful to be where I am now, and I remain hopeful for the next kid that maybe they can skip the really tough part and get some support before the downhill slide goes too far.  

January 2013


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