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Sign up to run the Chevron Houston Marathon with re:MIND as your charity. 

Donate Stock

You can help re:MIND fund its mission while avoiding taxes by donating stock directly in minutes!

  • Avoid capital gains tax: 15-30% you’d pay if you sold the stock
  • Get a bigger deduction by making a pre-tax contribution
  • Nonprofit keeps the money you would have paid the IRS
  • Visit the Donate Stock page for more information or click below to get started: 


Reach for the Sky

Transferring securities to a non-profit is easier than you think and offers a number of important financial benefits. 

Individuals 70 ½ and older may transfer up to $100,000 directly from their Traditional IRA to re:MIND, a qualified charitable organization, without being subject to income taxes on the distribution. The distribution may also be applied toward your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), but the distribution cannot be itemized as a charitable contribution. This law does not pertain to SEP and SIMPLE IRAs. A portion of a distribution from a ROTH IRA might qualify. We recommend that you contact your tax professional and financial advisor for verification.

Please email our Development Director and she will email you the brokerage firm's required documents.


Planned Giving

Bequests are the most frequently utilized planned gift. A bequest is made through a will or trust. Your bequest can be a fixed dollar amount, a percentage of your estate plan or the remainder of your estate after making provisions for family and loved ones.

Your charitable bequest enables you to retain your assets during your lifetime while providing for re:MIND's needs for the future. Charitable bequests can be an excellent part of an overall tax-wise estate plan. All gifts should be designated to “re:MIND.”

Please contact your financial planner or attorney to make arrangements. And let us know by contacting our Development Director via email.